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Main » 2012 » June » 3 » RPS Table: Counter Strategy Table
9:22 AM
RPS Table: Counter Strategy Table
When we are talking about an RTS, we descibe unit relationships through RPS (which stands for Rock-Paper-Scissor). This means that for every unit, there is a counter unit. For every counter unit, there is a counter unit to that. for example, in the WW1 epoch Infantry beat Anti-Tank Guns, but Anti-Tank Guns beat Tanks. This is the most basic RPS where 3 units counter each other. Every unit in Empire Earth has a counter. Over time you should learn as many of these as you can; you'll need them in battle. The information below was taken at Sierras Beta Forums.

Unit Name Abilities
Bombard Long Range, low line of sight, does splash damage
Flame Thrower Good against buildings
Hand Cannoneer Similar to Field Cannon, fire over walls, built at Barracks
Hot Air Balloon / Observation Balloon Observation and spotting
Medic Heals units up to full health
Mortar High trajectory, long range, does splash damage
Partisan Path through forests, anti-air unit
Priest Converts enemy units
Prophet Casts Calamities
Sharp Shooter & Sniper One shot - one kill against Infantry
Siege Cannon & Howitzer Good against buildings, walls, and towers
Strategist Heroes Restores partial health to units, Battle Cry demoralizes enemies so they take more damage
Warrior Heroes Strong fighter, provides morale to nearby troops so they take less damage
Views: 604 | Added by: Aadi | Rating: 0.0/0
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