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Main » 2012 » June » 3 » Defence Strategy 1 : How To Defence Your Base From Early Rush
11:49 AM
Defence Strategy 1 : How To Defence Your Base From Early Rush
For creating strong defence system in your base Player must be very fast as fast as from early swords attacker.

Securing your base you need to use lots of hotkeys to secure your base.
Here are some of fast tips for how to do.
1)Select your Swords Civilization as early as possible
2)Start f11 timer first of all as timer helps you to monitor your timing and how fast you can secure your base as usually attacks happens in your first f11 4-5 minutes so you have to as fast from enemy attack and you must have at least 10-12 swords in first f11 4-5 minutes.
3)Press Shift+ 6 Times Tab Key to select 6 citizens than send it to 1st Iron mine than immeditely press "N" and make a settlement near your 1st mine.
4)Repeat the above process for second mine too " Press Shift+ 6 Times Tab Key to select 6 citizens than send it to 2nd Iron mine than immeditely press "N" and make a settlement near your 2nd mine.
5)Press Shift+ 3 Times Tab Key and send 3 citizens to your nearest  tress for Continues growth of Wood Resources. 
6) Press Tab Key select 1st citizen left and than press "B" Key to make 1st Barrack.

7) Press Tab Key Select 2nd citizen left and than press "B" Key to Make 2nd Barrack.

8) Press Tab Key select  3rd citizen left and than press "B" Key to Make 3rd Barrack.
9) Select all 3 Barracks and than Press CTRL + 1 and assign your barracks shortcut to you 1st Tab-box.
10) Press 1 Than Press "S" Key to make Swords as per your requirement.

11) Select Town Centre and than Press CTRL + 2 and assign Town centre short cut key to your second tab box.

12) Press 2 Key and than press "C" to make citizen and than send 3 citizens to Forging.

13) Press Tab key and select 1st citizen left and than press "T" to make 1st tower near to 1st Mine. 

14)Press Tab key and select 2nd citizen left and than press "T" to make 2nd tower near to 2nd Mine.

15)Your Total Count of assigning 20 citizens will be 6 Citizens (1st Iron Mine) + 6 Citizens (2nd Iron Mine) +3 Citizens (Wood) + 3 Citizens( Barracks) + 2 Citizens ( 1 Citizen to Each Tower )= 20 Citizens.

16) you have to do all this building your base work in f11 1 or 2 min and when the remaining 3 citizens able to complete barracks make wall around your base with remaining 3 citizens left by press "W" key.

17) after completing your base select your swords and make a tab box of your first swords and then send them to enemy base for killing citizens only not units.

18) than assign remaining 3 Citizen idle after completing your walls + 2 citizens idle after making Tower near to settlements for a Farm near your Town centre.

19) at the same time press 2 to make more citizens by press "C " and place a point of citizens to woods and send them to woods near your town center or settlement.

20) Finally Press 1 at same time make swords with pressing "S " key and select any citizen and make 4 house near your Town centre for increasing the morals of Citizens and base army against attackers army.

Views: 678 | Added by: Aadi | Rating: 0.0/0
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